I know my posting has been sparse, but I've been spending the majority of my free time preparing for the Mill Pond Folk Festival which starts Friday and runs through Saturday. You do not want to miss this event!
I had the idea for a Folk Festival in Second Life earlier this year, and at the casual mention of it to my good friends and fellow musicians Micala Lumiere, Montian Gilruth and Montrealer Moody, the idea resonated and suddenly we were underway. It's been a whirlwind of challenge and interesting interpersonal relations, but I've learned so much about myself and others that the event itself seems almost secondary. Of course it's *not*, it's an enormously ambitious undertaking for a non-commercial event.
The festival hours are: Friday 3PM - 9PM SL, Saturday 12PM - 9PM SL. We have every one of the 15 hours packed with the talent of over 50 combined live musicians and artisans on three stages spread over Micala's lovely Mill Pond and Stone Hill sims. In addition to the wealth of Second Life talent, Montian Gilruth is introducing thirteen folk musicians from Montreal, Canada.
You can find details about the schedule, musicians and artists from our wikispace but if you have any questions, just let one of us know.
To get there, just take this SLURL. I hope to see you there!
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