Grace is my digital identity through which I research the collisions of society and technology - collisions of magnitude from which new particles of our collective existence are emerging upon which we will build new markets, new models of behavior and identity constructs.
Some say Grace McDunnough may have been the unlikely digital love child of Andy Warhol without the soup can and Janis Joplin without the drugs - a hypnotic mix of subtle yet defiant artistic imagery blended with evocative, heart stopping musical highlights that permeates the veils of geography, culture and genre.
On the digital landscape words, prims and melodies find themselves "Graceified" - twisted, reshaped and lovingly crafted into experiences that defy categorization.
While at any single moment, Grace may be a thinker, a bard, a singer/songwriter, or an experiential artist, it's the passionate blend of these that will leave your heart pounding, your soul laughing and your mind racing toward the possibilities of our new existence in virtual spaces.
Grace is the creator and producer of Musimmersion, founder of the Mill Pond Folk Festival, and a virtual world touring singer-songwriter. She has performed on stages large and small across the Second Life grid since 2006; she was the first live musician to perform in Metaplace, and is a member of the ground breaking live music tour called Rocking The Metaverse presented by Koinup - bringing live music into several virtual worlds including Second Life, Reaction Grid, Metaplace, Twinity and Active Worlds - Europe.
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DISCLAIMER: This blog contains my personal observations about evolving social spaces and virtual worlds. Statements and material posted here do not reflect the position of my employer. Included within are my experiences in the Second Life world. Second Life® and Linden Lab® are registered trademarks of Linden Research, Inc. No infringement is intended.
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