Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Get a Golden Ticket for the Second Life Event of the Summer

cc image courtesy flickr.com/photos/witheyes

Residents from around the Second Life virtual globe have until precisely 1700 hours SLT/PST on Wednesday, July 28th to enter a completely random drawing for one golden ticket of admission to the first in-world meeting with founder and interim CEO Philip Rosedale along side the elusive double-C BK - COO and CTO Bob Komin - to talk about the future of the candy factory.

Based on bits of insider information, I mean rigorous investigative blog work replete with innuendo and speculation, reports are emerging that there are plenty of surprises planned for the event including a few clues to the back to basics mystery. Reported to be among the major announcements are:

The introduction of the Linden Endowment for Vermicious Knids (LEVK) dedicated to filling large voids of space with egg-shaped non-mega prims.

A revamped Linden Prize of $25,000L for the most non-tearful and productive use of the latest Everlasting Newbstopper (aka Viewer 2.X).

A dedication of new mainland territory called Loompaland; wherein land is designated as strictly Residential only and tier is paid in cacao beans, or magic beans if the cacao bean market fails. (Note: it is still uncertain if musicians will be forced to reside in Loompaland until they have perfected Goldie Pinklesweet in the original key.)

The colocation of the Lab to a single main factory consisting of transparent glass-walled Invention Rooms dedicated to the development of fewer but better confectionary delights such as:
  • Laffy Search & Seizure Taffy
  • Invisible Chocolate Community Linden Bears
  • Emerald-colored Bi-focals
  • Sophmore Sweet and Sour Spots
  • Mushy Modal Mesh-mallows
  • Red Hot Burning Bots 2.0
  • Fizzy JIRA JuJubes
  • Marketplace Never Melt in Your Mouth, Just in Your Hand Mints

And finally, the MOST SECRET announcement rumored to be released on Friday.. [drum roll].. 
Lag-reducing Spotty Powder

What is this intriguing concoction you ask? Sorry, that's embargoed until Friday!

Is it raining? Is it snowing?

Is a hurricane a-blowing?
Not a speck of light is showing,
So the danger must be growing.
Are the fires of Hell a-glowing?
Is the grisly reaper mowing?
Yes, the danger must be growing,
For the rowers keep on rowing,
And they're certainly not showing,
Any signs that they are slowing!
Willy Wonka

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