Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Robots Need Love Too

Did you miss the recent massive internet kerfuffle? No, no, no - not Kristen Stewart and what's his name - I mean the premier of a unique entertainment and fine dining blend of neon tanks, cabaret girls and bikini-clad vixens piloting larger than life fembots in a chaotic mix of luminescent revelry at the Shinjuku Kabukicho Robot Restaurant in Japan. 

If you missed it, don't fret. Salome Strangelove and I share the details of this important debut in Episode 2: Robots Need Love Too of our podcast "I Have To Tell You Something".

Episode Note:  In this episode, Salome and I discuss the fine dining establishment called Robot Restaurant in Shinjuku, Japan (it's in a red light district, in case you were wondering). Mostly, we muse about fembots and Salome's neon tank obsession. We conclude: this attraction is a steal at the $38USD entrance fee and if you can't afford the 10 billion yen ($127M) for a fembot, then everyone should have at least one neon tank to call their very own.

Why are we talking about cabarets, fembots and neon tanks?  Because at times, real life truly can be stranger than even our best virtual approximations. More importantly, we predict that soon the Second Life club scene - and eventually the entire grid - will be overrun by shapely and artificially intelligent mesh pseudo-vehicles. Mark my words - this will be bigger than Sion chickens and we thought you should be informed early and have time to prepare - natch.

The podcastic magic lives here.

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