There are days when you stumble upon something that has been right in front of you all along. It's pleasantly frustrating, and a humble reminder that there are no coincidences, only those moments at which you decide to pay attention. On Monday I stumbled upon Commonwealth Island after following a SLURL from a 3pointd post about EnviroLink and their geolocated feeds project.
I teleported to a tiny glass platform inside the GeoGlobe and was met by Hayduke Ebisu. Hayduke (aka John Knauer) is a friendly and bright avi who seems to have dabbled in many interesting SL projects including SLQuery and is the proprietor of the beautifully tranquil Commonwealth Island.
Commonwealth is stashed among a neighborhood of sims that are loosely related, and mostly dedicated to information and education. It borders the famous Info island, which is why I was surprised to not have seen it earlier in my travels. Commonwealth is a project of the EnviroLink Network, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization since 1991 and includes several meeting places and US Forest Service-like buildings used to host participating organizations. According to the welcome notecard:
Commonwealth Island is about building a community in Second Life focused around organizations working for social equity and environmental sustainability. Commonwealth will provide a starting place for organizations who wish to try out spreading their mission/message in Second Life without making a big financial and time commitment.There are a number of recognizable and worthwhile groups hosted on Commonwealth. I'm not going to spell them all out here for you - nay, jump on that SLurl and go check this place out for yourself and when you do, don't miss the hang-gliding and the geothermal feature. You'll be glad you did.
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