Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Microsoft's Surface Computing and Virtualization

I know Microsoft's surface computing announcement wasn't about virtual worlds, but have you considered the impact of networked surface computing and virtualized spaces on our future interactions?

Think for a minute about the mash up of virtualized interfaces (surface computing) and the immersiveness of networked virtual spaces. How would your interactions in a virtual space, like Second Life, change if you could interact on multiple touch points while collaborating and communicating with someone with the same ability?

Networked surface computing devices could revolutionize the way we interact not only with technology (from Microsoft's perspective), but how we interact with each other and data, and it could change the very concept of "virtual worlds". I'm already hooked.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, watch the clip. Then tell me what you think.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Walker Spaight and Destroy Television Wed in Second Life

"No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness"
- Aristotle

And so we wait for the joining of Walker and Destroy. Is this the proverbial marriage of print and broadcast? Will Walker's blog niche become disrupted by Destroy's bent for video? Time will tell...

The blushing bride was wearing Paper Couture, in case any fashionistas were curious.

posted by Grace McDunnough on Caledon Highlands using a blogHUD : [permalink]

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Intel Launches New Second Life Initiative

The Intel sim is packing nicely with over 50 avis anxious to hear about Intel's new initiative. Updates coming once we get underway.

There are no updates as I crashed like a runaway train and subsequently was not motivated to relog and try again. I'm sure 57 Miles will have the complete scoop - assuming he didn't take a nose dive as well.

posted by Grace McDunnough on Intel Software Network using a blogHUD : [permalink]

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Magic of Baron Grayson

An artist is one who can capture your soul, take it on a fantastic journey and return it safely, albeit transformed. A true master leaves you longing for the next trip. - Grace McDunnough
The works of Baron Grayson, the elusive yet prolific creator of Sanctum Sanctorum and proprietor of RELIC, the Standing Stone Irish Pub and his infamous pirate ship will capture your eye, heart, soul and spirit - else you are most certainly deceased.

There are few places in Second Life that I travel to time and time again with the urgency and anticipation of a child visiting Disneyland. Sanctum Sanctorum and the surrounding sims are such a place - definitely not a "one and done" trip - the journey is always a delight.

The image above is of a church previously accessible but now sitting on a plot that is off limits; it's warm hues and subtle uses of light promise to deliver yet another magical experience for the weary traveler.

posted by Grace McDunnough on Templum ex Obscurum using a blogHUD : [permalink]

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

A Bonfire in Second Life

Colorado Technical University and the House of Flames are hosting BONFIRE 2007 to celebrate the grand opening of CTU's island in Second Life.

BONFIRE 2007 will be twenty-four hours of live music in Second Life and it promises to be a great event. The festivities start on Friday, June 1st at 12:00 PM PDT/SLT and run through Saturday, June 2nd at 12:00 PM PDT/SLT. The BONFIRE 07 Lineup (all times PDT/SLT):

Friday June 1st
12PM - Kurt Jano (
1PM - Linder Paine (
2PM - Tone Uriza/Speelo Snook (
3PM - CyberPiper (
4PM - Grace McDunnough (
5PM - Ricardo Sprocket (
6PM - Cylindrian Rutabaga (
7PM - Niko Donburi (
8PM - Wendy Curtiss (
9PM - Louis Volare (
10PM - Juel Resistance (
11PM - Luigi DiPrima

Saturday June 2nd
12 AM - Tone Uriza (
1AM - Konny Kembla
2AM - Jaynine Scarborough (
3AM - DWditty Delweg (
4AM - Paisley Beebe (
5AM - Andy Glasgow (
6AM - Spaceman Opus
7AM - Picker Apogee (
8AM - Cesar Pakula (
9AM - Jellyjellyjelly Benelli
10AM - Virtual Live Band (
11AM - Shiger Seattle (

About CTU
Colorado Technical University (CTU) is an accredited institution of higher learning with campuses in three states, as well as an online division. CTU offers degree programs from the Associate level to the Doctorate in a number of disciplines such as: IT, Software Engineering, Systems Security, Computer Science, Management, Business Administration, and Healthcare. Classes can be taken in a number of delivery formats and now can even be held in the virtual world of Second Life. To find out more about the programs at CTU, visit the Colorado Technical University Island at Colorado Tech (200, 126, 22)

About HoF
The House of Flames is a small showcase venue that features live performances from some of the most popular singers, songwriters and musicians in Second Life. We invite you to join the group to receive the latest concert updates and information. You will find the House of Flames Group in Second Life under groups/House of Flames.

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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Jacob Miller at the Rainbow Roon

The Rainbow Room build on the NBC sim is a divine coupling of place, shadow, light and subtle touches and it's great to see a mixed reality event hosted here. I'm sure we're all under-dressed by Rainbow Room standards and that may be the best part.

The audio and video of Jacob Miller's performance is really good and the Electric Sheep Company and hosts have been very responsive to the listeners request to increase the levels so everyone can hear.

posted by Grace McDunnough on NBC 1 using a blogHUD : [permalink]

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Robots in Second Life

I *adore* robots, but not just any robots, mind you. Rosie is my true heroine as are any old school robots that say please and thank you. Imagine my delight when today when by the luck of a complete accident I found the clever Luxe Alabaster's Robot Playground & Editions in the middle of Dreamland's Alphanumeric Shores sim.

Summon a "butler" and get carried to the store to get your own set of robotic joy. Luxe's robot store is suspended 250m above the storefront and is packed with lovely robotic creations to delight your visual receptors. The robot family includes the Atomic Falcon, Digit, Rob, Krazy Legz, Telly and Milton in various forms (including thoes for tinies!) as avatars, a plane, transport butlers, shoulder buddies and devoted pets.

Get a robot and make your Second Life complete.

posted by Grace McDunnough on Alphanumeric Shores using a blogHUD : [permalink]

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Am I becoming a jaded Second Lifer?

I found myself at UGS Innovation Connection island today. While doing some research this morning, I stumbled upon another "we're the first" press release, bookmarked it and decided to travel there this afternoon.

Suffice it to say, I am unimpressed and as such, I won't provide you much gratis scoop on who escorted Siemens to this lovely build. Someone who may have forgotten to turn on auto return so that Danield Runo could set up shop with his L$10 "BIG WOODY" truck (visible in the top right hand corner of this photo) that "will most likely explode crossing a sim line." And ironically, "Plz pick up your car parts when I does", which is apparently not often enough.

The build really is lovely. It has a nice design and lay-out but I'm just uninspired, especially when my expectations were set at the global innovation network level:
“Our launch in Second Life is just one example of how UGS continues to push into uncharted areas and experiment with ways to better deliver on our vision of Global Innovation Networks,” said Dave Shirk, executive vice president, Global Marketing, UGS. “With the natural focus we have on 3D content creation and collaboration, the large number of our customers establishing Second Life presence, it was only logical that we would take a dive into Second Life. We look forward to interacting with innovators everywhere who are interested in developing new ways of bringing innovative products to market.”
I may becoming jaded in my perspective especially as I spend more time with people talking *about* Second Life that are not *in* Second Life, or those that dropped in long enough to get dazed and confused and left.

I started thinking about this type of "consumer" yesterday as part of a new product idea, and as I consider it more seriously I think we are seeing a new type of divide. We had the digital divide, and now we have the participation divide - a gap in the desire and ability of people to embrace the very underpinnings of the new social media movement. Is it a small gap or will it grow? Right now, the typical percentage of total participants versus voyeurs is somewhere between 1 and 10%. What will that mean to the rising tide of user generated, wikified, twitterpated, mashed up content? I don't know, but I don't think I'm finding the answer here next to the UGS Lego Toy Assembly model.

posted by Grace McDunnough on UGS Innovation Connection using a blogHUD : [permalink]

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Gypsy Moon

Gypsy Moon by KatyKiwi is flanked by Devils Moon to the West, and Abramations to the South. It's a visual dessert tray of the most delectable kinds, so do yourself a favor and explore.

posted by Grace McDunnough on Gypsy Moon using a blogHUD : [permalink]

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

MIxed Reality - in Second Life

Final preparations are in flight for the mixed reality concert. Buddahead and Shock Radar will be streaming live from the Canal Room in NYC.

The event is running rather behind schedule, it's 5:25PM PDT now and no one seems to care that there are about 20 avatars here wondering what's going on. I understand the complexity of coordinating these mixed reality events, but an in world host may have been a good idea.

Of course, it's Thursday and as usual the Second Life platform is behaving badly. Search, profiles, and teleports are down so perhaps the host is stranded somewhere in the mushaverse.

posted by Grace McDunnough on Morpheum using a blogHUD : [permalink]

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Second Life Welcomes Microsoft

A tip from Mark at 3pointd reminded me that Millions of Us is ushering Microsoft Visual Studio to Second Life. I teleported to the island this morning to check things out.

There are actually two Microsoft islands that officially open Thursday May 10th, 6PM SLT according to the sign posted at the landing point. The pair are a bit sparse although they may be dedicated to a game indicated by a sign in the lobby of the auditorium that says:
This isn't your average game. You may have noticed something floating high above the island. A select few will gain access to it and reap rich rewards. But be warned, this is not for the faint of heart or meek of mind.
The something floating above the island is a blimp, and you can see a bit more of it in the promotional video on YouTube entitled "What's In The Blimp?".

My guess is this is a play to tap into the machinima community. If you haven't seen the Microsoft Visual Studio Defy All Challenges promo site dedicated to machinima, you should go check it out. Other rumors are that future releases of Second Life will run only on the Microsoft OS. (ok, I made that up)
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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Virtual Worlds Fair Coming To Second Life

I don't normally report on things *about* to happen, but this was too compelling to wait.

My friend Frank Koolhaas (aka Mario Gerosa in RL) is planning what he calls the "First World Fair of the Virtual Worlds" in Second Life. From his blog post:

This project is the First World Fair of the Virtual Worlds, which will be held in SL and will host tens of stands with representatives of all the main virtual worlds (for example, a dragon will be in the World of Warcraft stand, while there will be an astronaut in the Entropia Universe stand), which will show the marvels of the place they come from by means of posters and videos.
This is the first project from Lifelog Studios, a new venture for Mario and friends. I haven't had a chance to catch up with Mario for comment yet, but this appears to be another fantastic project from the author of "Second Life" (Meltemi, 2007).
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Monday, May 07, 2007

Bundoran Reef

I'm just about to get washed out to sea by the amazing surf at Bundoran Reef on the tip of the West of Ireland estates. This could be a whole new SL addiction for me ....

This is my first blogHUD cross-post, and I must admit I am digging it. Many thanks to my friend DrFran for giving me the inspiration to finally set this up and to Koz Farina for his fabulous gadget.

posted by Grace McDunnough on Bundoran Reef using a blogHUD : [permalink]

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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Ask Patty About Cars and Second Life

Second Life Indagatrix: Ask Patty
Ask Patty is launching a Second Life venue on Pontiac's Motorati Island. You say you've never heard of Well then, shame on you. Go read the Press Release for the requisite details then you *must* go see this build. If you want to join the festivities, the grand opening is May 11th from 4-9PM SLT and if I didn't have a live music gig, I'd definitely be there.

I'll tell you up front that I *love* this build. It's small but appropriate, and I would gush for pages about it, but since most of you didn't even know who Patty was (tsk tsk) I'll just give you a handful of reasons I think it's a brilliant new entry.

1) Tap the Creative Brain Trust
While it's true that the big 3-4 developers have scooped up a lot of the Second Life creative class and have them grinding out large corporate installations, SL is not short of creative genius. Patty Streeter hit pay dirt by selecting the talented Osprey Therian. And, for big bonus points in my book, Patty took the time to recommend Osprey on the SL Universe forums.

2) Smash, Mash, Blend the Brand
I appreciate builds that blend branding with what the Second Life platform provides, and this installation certainly does. The stylish roadster houses an office as well as interactive spark plugs that allow you to access the services that provides.

3) Spread the Love
AskPatty buttons and t-shirts allow you to take the brand with you. Yes, I know we all hate to follow the little blue box back to the web, but *some* day this won't be as painful.

4) Choose the Right Location
The AskPatty build is located on Motorati which is technically the appropriate alignment. I know, you are asking yourself "do any women actually go to Motorati?" I suspect women who are interested in cars may drop by, but is that the target audience? This may be the achilles heel for Patty and friends, only time will tell.

5) Mix it Up
Don't forget about the power of mixed media. Osprey did a short machinima piece, but I do wish there was more variety of content in the build such as the AskPatty podcast.

Go on, take it for a spin.

Editors note: I've decided to drop the "Second Life Indagatrix" from my post titles as it was confusing several people as well as search engines.
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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Second Life Indagatrix: NBA

The Electric Sheep Company have escorted the NBA into Second Life with the launch of four islands: NBA Courts, NBA Jam Session, NBA Arena and NBA Orientation. With the exception of NBA Courts which is presently all ocean, the island names are self explanatory in terms of their intent or use.

The NBA Arena island houses the gigantic T- Mobile Arena, which also hosts the NBA store where for a mere L$100 you can get a jersey from your favorite team, or if you are on a budget and less fashion-conscious get a set of sweatbands for L$15.

NBA Jam Session houses video and interactive games and from this avi's perspective, the most entertaining is the Toyota Crash the Board Court. Grab an NBA Toolbar (HUD) and a basketball, and make sure you have *plenty* of time on your hands, because you will soon become addicted to the slam dunk application. Brilliantly coded by Ushuaia Tokugawa, the slam dunk game - much like the AOL Sticky Wall - is a fun way to waste some time, and yes it is strangely addicting.

You may have noticed that branding other than NBA is prevalent on the four island suite - with primary players T-Mobile, Toyota, and Cisco. This is an interesting new development in big brand presence in world. Maybe it's just me, but I found the T-Mobile phone *booth* a bit ironic.

Nonetheless, if you are into the NBA, go waste some time and maybe a few $L.
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